Garden Club holds workshop
The DeSoto Civic Garden Club kicked off the new year at its January meeting, held at the M.R. Davis Library in Southaven. Hostesses Sandra Stafford, Gwen Savage and Carla Proctor provided a delicious array of muffins and fruits. Gwen Savage created our Design of the Month, a beautiful Mass design and Carla Proctor provided our Tip of the Month: start thinking about and planning the beds or areas you want to plant this spring. Research the growing requirements for the flowers, fruits or vegetables you want. With a little pre-planned preparation, your spring planting will be much easier.
Our program was a Floral Design Workshop, presented by National Flower Show Judges, Sandy Noble & Amye Kelly. They taught and demonstrated the requirements and mechanics of a Multi-Rhythmic Design, an Angular Design and a Creative Line-Mass Design, in preparation for our upcoming NGC Small-Standard Flower Show in April. We are fortunate to have their knowledge and expertise shared with our members.
The DeSoto Civic Garden Club is a member of the National Garden Clubs, Inc. and The Garden Clubs of Mississippi Inc., Hills and Delta District.