Desoto County News

Garden club celebrates National Garden Week

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June 2-8 is National Garden Week, as sponsored by the National Garden Clubs, Inc. and proclaimed by the DeSoto County Board of Supervisors. What a great time to recognize the benefits of a garden, whether it’s a flower, vegetable or any other type of garden. It’s also a great time to share our knowledge & love of gardens with children and plant that seed for the next generation.

DeSoto Civic Garden Club members, JoAn Graham, Carla Proctor, Sandra Stafford and Andrea Michael are doing just that. JoAn Graham and Carla Proctor visited the the M. R. Davis Public Library in Southaven. Carla is displaying her blue ribbon awarded educational exhibit on cutting flowers. It contains a wealth of information and is sure to capture the attention of visitors. JoAn is displaying two vases of her favorite cutting flower grown, pink Gladiolus and green Gladiolus. They are beautiful!

Sandra Stafford and Andrea Michael visited the James F. Anderson Public Library in Hernando. Today was the start of the Library’s Kick Off to Summer program and Sandra read the book, Network with Gardens, written by Brenda Moore, to a group of inquisitive children. During the reading about the vegetable garden, vegetables were discussed and passed around such as a potato, tomato, onion, carrot, radish, squash, zucchini and kale. When the flower gardens were read about, different flowers were discussed and passed around such as day lily, rose, snapdragon, daisy, coneflower and lavender. The children were curious and good participants and were enjoyed greatly by Sandra and Andrea. The book was donated to the library. Sandra also has on display at the library, an educational exhibit on exhibiting horticulture in a NGC flower show. Great information is shown on what it takes to exhibit horticulture.

The DeSoto Civic Garden Club is a member of the National Garden Clubs, Inc. and The Garden Clubs of Mississippi Inc., Hills and Delta District.