Desoto County News

Sheriff’s Department K-9 posthumously receives national bravery medal

Photo: DeSoto County Sheriff’s Department K-9 Luca.

March 12, 2025-You may remember the story of a DeSoto County Sheriff’s Department K-9 who died during a car chase, ending with an officer-involved shooting incident that took the life of the K-9 when shot by the suspect. Tuesday, a ceremony was held in Washington, D.C. to honor Luca, the K-9 who died in the incident.

The fifth Animals in War & Peace Medal was awarded posthumously to Luca, who died Feb. 21, 2024 along Highway 61 near Lake Cormorant.

K-9 Luca

The subject of the chase, identified as Jamarcus Brown, fired after being stopped alongside the roadway. A bullet struck Luca, who later died of the wound. Deputies returned fire and Brown was fatally shot.

The ceremony recognized and honored unsung animal heroes for their accomplishments in both war and peace. It is hosted by the nonprofit Angels Without Wings, Inc./Animals in War & Peace, The Livingood Group, and US War Dogs Association. It continues to underscore America’s appreciation of the sacrifices and heroics of our American animals who served our country. Both the Animals in War & Peace Medal of Bravery and the Animals in War & Peace Distinguished Service Medal are presented in 2025.

The Animals in War & Peace Medal of Bravery is awarded by Members of Congress to animals that served in past wars (posthumous), and current working or retired military dogs representing U.S. military services, service animals and first responders, for their courage and sacrifice. Four incredible canines will be posthumously awarded this year.

Luca was among the Animals in War & Peace Medal of Bravery medalists.

In addition to his time with the Sheriff’s Department, Luca X496 was deployed in support of Resolute Support Mission in Afghanistan, participated in over 50 combat missions and found 15 IEDs.

The scene in the aftermath of a car in February 2024 on Highway 61 near Lake Cormorant. K-9 Luca was shot by suspect Jamarcus Brown and later died of his wounds. (Bob Bakken/

In the February 2024 incident a chase developed in the northbound lanes of Highway 61, south of state Highway 3 in Lake Cormorant. During the chase, deputies did a PIT maneuver on Brown’s vehicle in their attempt to stop him.

A PIT maneuver, also known as a Precision Immobilization Technique, involves forcing a fleeing vehicle to turn 180 degrees and stop. The maneuver is performed by applying lateral pressure to the rear quarter panel of the fleeing vehicle, causing it to spin out and stall. The goal is to force the vehicle to spin out so that officers can quickly surround and arrest the driver.

In this case, the vehicle did stop and deputies released Luca, who was shot by Brown. It was then deputies returned fire at Brown, who received fatal injuries. Luca was taken to a veterinary hospital for treatment. However, the Mississippi Department of Public Safety identified the DeSoto County Sheriff’s Department K-9 as Luca, and said Luca had died.

Brown’s family later found legal counsel to investigate the incident but nothing has ever been released explaining the reason the chase took place.

The ceremony, including the award presentation to Luca, has been posted on YouTube.