Desoto County News

Garden club celebrates Arbor Day

In February, DeSoto Civic Garden Club members Sandy Noble and Emilie Michael met at Quality Landscape in Olive Branch to select a tree for Arbor Day. This occasion is celebrated annually in Mississippi each year on the second Friday in February. 

While at Quality Landscape, club member and President Sandy Noble chose a crepe myrtle that will be planted at Culpepper Place, which is an assisted living community for seniors in Olive Branch. This annual observance of Arbor Day by the DeSoto Civic Garden Club as well as other federated garden clubs, places a special emphasis on the importance of trees and their contribution to our environment.

The DeSoto Civic Garden Club is a member of the National Garden Clubs, Inc., Deep South Garden Clubs, Inc., and The Garden Clubs of Mississippi, Inc.

Photo: (center) Donna Mae Maxwell, employee of Quality Landscape. Next to her are DeSoto Civic Garden Club members Sandy Noble(left) and Emilie Michael. (Courtesy photo)