Baptist-DeSoto earns accreditation for heart services
The American College of Cardiology has accredited Baptist Memorial Hospital-DeSoto for its cardiac catheterization lab.
Cardiac catheterizations provide information on how well the heart works, identifies problems and allows for procedures to open blocked arteries. During the procedure, a cardiologist inserts a thin, hollow tube called a catheter into a large blood vessel that leads to the heart and measures the pressure and blood flow in the heart. The accreditation also includes percutaneous coronary intervention, a procedure that opens up narrowed or blocked segments of a coronary artery.
(Bob Bakken/DeSoto County News)
“Our heart care services are among the best in this area, and this accreditation proves it,” said Brian Hogan, Baptist DeSoto’s CEO and administrator. “I am so grateful to our Stern Cardiovascular physician partners and our team members for their expertise and hard work. They are the reason we earned this prestigious accreditation.”
ACC accreditation is based on rigorous onsite evaluation of the hospital staff’s ability to evaluate, diagnose and treat patients. Facilities that achieve accreditation meet or exceed an array of stringent criteria and support efforts that lead to better patient education, improved patient outcomes, and more effective and efficient disease control.
Baptist-DeSoto is a 339-bed hospital that offers diagnostic, surgical and rehabilitation services, as well as open-heart surgery and a number of other cardiovascular services. A recent $19 million emergency department expansion and renovation project added 20,000 square feet to the facility. For more information, please call 662-772-4000 or visit the Baptist-DeSoto website.
The ACC is the professional home for the entire cardiovascular care team. Its mission is to transform cardiovascular care and to improve heart health. The ACC leads in the formation of health policy, standards and guidelines. It also operates national registries to measure and improve care; offers cardiovascular accreditation to hospitals and institutions and provides professional medical education; disseminates cardiovascular research; and bestows credentials upon cardiovascular specialists who meet stringent qualifications. For more information about ACC Accreditation Services, visit the American College of Cardiology website or call 877-271-4176.
DeSoto County News Service