Northwest hires new Dean of Health Sciences
by Sarah Smith
Northwest Mississippi Community College has hired a new Dean of Health Sciences, Dr. Craig Lafferty of Memphis. Dr. Lafferty has a background in medical research, experience as an instructor, and much more.
Dr. Lafferty started his college career at the University of Memphis with the intention of studying graphic design, but after looking for a change, transferred to Arizona State University where he made the switch to biology after doing some medical illustrations.
After his undergrad, Dr. Lafferty did a myriad of work at different higher education institutions such as Rosalind Franklin University of Medicine and Science where he received his DPM in Podiatry, the University of Kentucky and the University of Tennessee where he did research and received a Master of Science.
On rotations, Dr. Lafferty said he used those as experiences to travel and learn, enjoying what each place had to offer.
Dr. Lafferty said that he was excited about this new step in his career at Northwest and that he was impressed with the consolidation of health sciences at Northwest, and the way they have broken enrollment trends. In the future, he said he hopes to get ready for the Spring semester and learn more about the institution.
“Definitely to expand and maintain community partnerships,” Dr. Lafferty said.
The small class size, the community outreach, and everything that makes a community college is what Dr. Lafferty said he loved about a place like Northwest. He said that growing up his family owned a place in Sardis, and on the weekends they would drive through Senatobia, but he never realized the college existed here at that time.
Despite switching to choosing medicine as a career, he has maintained his artsy side while doing art, photography, and woodworking where he makes guitars, which he enjoys in his free time as well as being out in nature.