Desoto County News

Intervention Court graduates to celebrate freedom from addiction

Sept. 25, 2024 – On Oct. 4 at 1 p.m. in the main courtroom of the DeSoto County Courthouse, 32 individuals will be celebrated for a life-changing accomplishment: graduating from the 23rd Circuit Intervention Court. It’s a rigorous 36-month program designed to transform lives of drug and/or alcohol dependent felony offenders through comprehensive supervision, drug testing, treatment services and immediate sanctions and incentives.

After successfully completing the program, these graduates have overcome their dependency on drugs and alcohol and have also contributed significantly to society. Over the course of the program, the graduating participants paid $99,322.55 in fines, court costs, and restitution. More impressively, their successful completion of the program has saved the State of Mississippi an astounding $1,717,840.00—an amount that reflects the cost of incarceration for these individuals.

The graduates were required to attend regular 12-step meetings, attend treatment, maintain random clean drug screens, and fulfill educational requirements—with nine intervention court graduates earning a high school diploma or GED. Their success is a testament to the power of rehabilitation when combined with the justice system. The Intervention Court team includes public defenders, prosecutors, treatment specialists, and law enforcement. The 23rd Circuit Intervention Court is presided over by Judge Celeste E. Wilson.

The ceremony is a powerful reminder of the impact this program has on the community, not only through personal transformation but by reducing the financial burden on the state. Funded by the Administrative Office of Courts (AOC) and participant fees, the Intervention Court receives no direct monetary support from DeSoto County, but continues to produce life-changing results for its participants and the local community.