Desoto County News

Bird Real Estate

The DeSoto Civic Garden Club held its monthly meeting on March 7 at the M.R. Davis Library in Southaven. Hostesses Lynn Dye, Sandy Noble and JoAn Graham provided delicious snacks and drinks and Emilie Michael provided the Design of the Month, Creative Abstract, designed with daffodil flowers and leaves and hosta. 

Sandra Ehrlichman, owner of Wild Birds Unlimited in Southaven, was our Speaker and presented an educational program, Bird Real Estate. Spring is the time of year when songbirds may be house hunting. Bluebirds, one of the favorite birds to watch, nest and fledge, require a house with an entrance hole of 1 1/2 inches. They prefer the house facing east and do not need a perch. Houses shouldn’t be placed on a tree or fence due to predators. Instead, the house should be placed on a pole 5 – 10 feet high with a baffle attached to keep other critters out. Bluebirds prefer to eat meal worms and sunflower hearts and will also take back to the nest for the babies. 

While bluebirds, chickadees and wrens are cavity nesters (prefer living in an enclosed space such as a house), chickadees and wrens prefer a house with an entrance hole of 1 1/4 inches. Wrens will also make nests in unexpected places such as plants. Woodpeckers are cavity nesters but prefer the hollow of a tree to a house. Cardinals prefer to build their nest in grapevines, tall trees and shrub thickets. Hummingbirds build their tiny nests in trees using twigs, leaves and spider webs. Wherever your birds choose to nest, more enjoyment comes when the adults bring the fledglings to your feeders. 

Member Sandy Noble closed the program by providing instructions and bluebird houses for each member to complete. Hammers were pounding and sandpaper flying and everyone left with a new bluebird house for the garden. Thank you to Sandra and Sandy for a great program. 

DeSoto Civic Garden Club is a member of The National Garden Clubs, Inc., Deep South Garden Clubs, Inc. and The Garden Clubs of Mississippi, Inc.  

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