Desoto County NewsMeet the Candidates

Remak: Vital signs, Election 2024

Note: The following opinion-editorial item was written and offered by Dr. Geza Remak, M.D. a Southaven gastroenterologist. Remak is also the husband of Mississippi state Rep. Kimberly Remak (R-Olive Branch). Any opinions offered in this item are that of the author and not necessarily that of this publication.  

By Geza Remak, M.D. 

Dear readers!

I am a physician by trade. I have been practicing medicine for almost half of a century. I was born in communist Hungary and had a real life experience of what happens when the “takers” take over a country.

I call them “takers” with no malicious intent simply because that is what they do!

It is an age old wisdom. If you are a “giver,” you better know your limits, because the “takers” don’t have any.

It  becomes crystal clear when the “takers” gain political power over the whole society and use the government’s resources to ban and confiscate  everything they deem necessary to maintain control over the people. 

They masquerade this under the false flag of “social justice” while condemning tens of millions of people to death by starvation or mass extermination in “gulag” camps.

They proudly state that this is the dictatorship of the majority where the minorities become expendable.

Our founding fathers introduced a revolutionary political system that was supposed to guarantee the separation of powers and protect the individuals from government overreach.

A Constitutional Republic with the Bill of Rights to make the citizen’s personal pursuit of happiness possible without significant government intervention. 

Our elected government is supposed to protect the integrity of the nation and represent the best interest of its citizens. My obvious question is who is benefiting from an invasion of over 10 million unvetted illegal aliens?  

Our elected officials with our tax dollars are financing a disturbing and very dangerous social experiment with a simple reason to tamper with the  demographic equilibrium to stay in power!

Our everyday life is hanging on a very fragile and precarious balance of complicated biochemical and electrophysiological processes. Most medical students go through a religious experience when they realize that our life would not be statistically possible without the grace of God.

The health and basic function of human society has even more complexity.

Aggressive, large scale interventions with the best intent can irreversibly damage or kill the system. When the system falls apart, the human building blocks disintegrate. They succumb to anarchy and start to reorganize at a much lower level.

So as a good doctor let me read the current objective vital signs of the U.S.

These are publicly available numbers that may tell a trained professional if the system is healthy, in distress, in critical condition or will die within a limited time in spite of all our best effort.


  1. The US is the third most populous country after China and India. Our workforce is readily available. Uncontrolled immigration will steal the livelihood of low income citizens.
  2. The economy is robust. Our GDP is projected to be $ 28.78 trillion in 2024. The per capita share is $85,373. seventh in the world rank behind Luxembourg, Ireland, Norway, Switzerland, Singapore and Qatar. The real purchasing power is the ninth in the world. Macao and UAE surpassed us.
  3. Our national debt is an outrageous $ 35.21 trillion  (expected to raise one more trillion in the next 100 days!) The per capita share of the National Debt is $104,545. A young family of four with two children below the age of five owes $ 418,180 to the US treasury. Japan and China are our  biggest debt holders. We pay almost a trillion dollars ($ 956 billion) interest a year just to service the debt. That is 17 percent of our National Budget!
  4. Reading the inflation is tricky, because the numbers are relative to the previous year inflation results. We have a better understanding when calculating the cumulative inflation results. The cumulative inflation was 20.3% over the last four years compared to 7.5% during the Trump presidency.

These simple numbers are like the biblical “writing on the wall.”

“We The People” simply cannot finance proxy wars in other continents, can not provide aid to countries, where the people on the street chant and seriously mean “Death to America, cannot house, provide free living, healthcare, education and social benefits to millions of unvetted illegal aliens including known terrorists, gang members, registered criminals and large numbers of young, single, military age men from all over the world with undetermined intentions and destination!

Our Social Security, Medicaid and Medicare is on an accelerated course to insolvency.

Our veterans who served this country with honors are second-hand citizens sleeping on the streets, while illegals are housed and catered to in four star hotels.

Our first and second amendment rights are eroded and under constant attack.

Nationalism and Christian faith – allegiance to our country and the love of God is in a deplorable condition by the current narrative these days, banned from schools and public education.

I don’t even mention the other identity politics most of which are listed as mental conditions.

My humble diagnosis is that the U.S. is in critical condition.

Our only hope for survival is a change of political leadership!

The current leaders promise to miraculously fix the serious problems they created within the last three and a half years.

I don’t see credible evidence that will guarantee even the slightest hope of success.

This election will be decided by the numbers of registered voters at the polls!

The political apathy of the registered and unregistered voters may kill this republic before its 250th birthday.

Please remain a “giver” and give your vote for the candidate who has already proven that he can do the job no matter how much dirt is thrown at him!

Vote for the better future of your children and  grandchildren!

Vote for common sense!

If we are not able to understand the writing on the wall we will be complicit in the downfall of the greatest country of our modern history.

God Bless Y’all and God Bless the USA!

Sincerely, Geza Remak M.D.

P.S.:  Socialism is a liberal daydream which quickly becomes a nightmare when it is implemented in reality!