Desoto County News

Michael Flynn to appear in DeSoto County

Photo: Lt. Gen. (Retired) Michael Flynn. (Courtesy photo)

July 9 – It has been announced that the former National Security Advisor to former President Donald Trump will be in DeSoto County later this month.  

General Michael Flynn will be part of a special engagement on July 25. It will be a private event at a location to be revealed to attendees upon RSVP confirmation.  

The event is free to attend; however, due to very limited space and security, attendees are required to RSVP by calling 662-781-4481 to secure a seat. Availability will be first come, first serve. 

According to information announcing his appearance and provided to DeSoto County News, Flynn will address critical issues facing our nation and share insights gained from his extensive career in the military, national security and public service. Attendees will have the opportunity to hear directly from Flynn in an intimate setting.

Lt. Gen. (Ret) Michael T. Flynn

Lt. Gen. (Retired) Michael T. Flynn is a retired Army general with over 33 years of service in the United States military and Chairman of America’s Future, a 501c3 Nonprofit.

His military career culminated as the Director of the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) and as the nation’s highest serving military intelligence officer.

After retiring from the Army in 2014 and as a private citizen, General Flynn went on to serve in a variety of business, educational, and non-profit roles, to include supporting veterans’ organizations around the country, something he continues to do today.

His public service included selection and service as a foreign policy advisor to several Republican U.S. presidential candidates (2016) and subsequent appointment and service as the National Security Advisor to the 45th President of the United States of America.

General Flynn is a National bestselling author, holds three master’s degrees, and is recipient of numerous military, intelligence and law enforcement awards.

He is married with two sons and has several grandchildren.