Garden club members learn the art of growing bonsai
The Desoto Civic Garden Club‘s January meeting was held at Brussel’s Bonsai in Olive Branch. Brussel Martin founded Brussel’s Bonsai in 1973 and moved to the current Cedar Hill Road location in 2005. Brussel’s Bonsai is America’s largest importer and grower of fine quality bonsai.
JoAn Graham introduced our program. Orlando gave a hands-on demonstration on how to cut and shape bonsai. He chose a Black Pine to demonstrate the technique of using wire to wrap the tree. This technique will guide the growth and show how to bend the limbs to make it artful. A Bonsai can sell for $20 up to $20,000.
Club members then toured the nursery and learned the art of growing and shaping Bonsai and how to care for the plants.
The DeSoto Civic Garden Club is a member of the National Garden Clubs, Inc., and the Garden Clubs of Mississippi, Inc., Hills and Delta District.