Desoto County NewsMississippi News

MDOT to hold Marshall County open forum meeting on improvements

WHO:           The Mississippi Department of Transportation (MDOT).

WHAT:         Open forum public meeting.

WHEN:         Thursday, January 23, from 4:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m.

WHERE:       Marshall County WIN Job Center, 4700 Cayce Rd., Byhalia MS 38611.

WHY:         The Open Forum Public Hearing is being held on the Preferred Alternative and the Preliminary Environmental Assessment (EA) for the proposed U.S. 72 Improvements project that will provide safe and efficient access to the Chickasaw Industrial Park, and specifically the planned electric-vehicle battery plant, from both U.S. 72 and State Route 302 in Marshall County. The purpose of the Public Hearing is to evaluate social, economic and environmental impacts and solicit feedback from the public and decision-makers and determine whether further analysis is necessary or if the impacts are minimal enough to warrant a Finding of No Significant Impact (FONOSI).

HOW:           Citizens are invited to come and go as they please during the hours of the meeting to learn about the proposed improvements and to speak to MDOT representatives. The public is invited and encouraged to visit to view the project information and offer comments. Anyone with limited internet access or general questions or comments regarding the Preliminary EA or Public Hearing may call (501) 823-0730. Persons wishing to submit written statements or other exhibits may send them to Garver, Attn: Caitlin Hetzel, 4701 Northshore Drive, North Little Rock,  AR 72118; by email to; or via the online form located at An oral comment can be recorded at (501) 823-0730. Comments must be submitted by February 7, 2025, to be included in the official record.

                       Anyone needing project information or special accommodations under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) is encouraged to contact Caitlin Hetzel at (501) 823-0730, email, or mail to 4701 Northshore Drive, North Little Rock, AR 72118. Hearing or speech impaired, please contact the Mississippi Relay System at (Voice/TTY 711). Requests should be made at least four days prior to the Public Hearing end date.