Desoto County News

DeSoto County Brief offers a new way to get local news

Photo: Bob Bakken of DeSoto County News, along with Matthew Kelso, Zac Summers and Andrew Bartolotta are behind the new DeSoto County Brief podcast.

Sept. 16, 2024 – Beginning today, DeSoto County residents and those interested in what happens in DeSoto County have a new way to get that information in podcast form.  

The brainchild of Matthew Kelso and Zac Summers, with marketing consultant Andrew Bartolotta and in partnership with Bob Bakken of DeSoto County News, the DeSoto County Brief first appeared in the podcast universe for download early this morning.  Once launched, a launch party was held at Beans and Leaves in Southaven.

Kelso, who with Summers will host the podcast each week, said a new episode will be available each Monday morning about 5 a.m. Kelso said listeners will be able to catch up on a number of items of interest to DeSoto County residents each week.  

“We’re going to go over the main headlines in the news,” Kelso said. “It could be topics like politics going on in Jackson or local elections. We will have a sports segment, and a weather segment and we’re going to have some listener write-ins as well. And from time to time, we’re going to have community spotlights.”

Kelso said he is the type of person who, when he sees a need, he works to fill it. He said he saw a need to provide an information source that addresses the entire county, instead of just one corner of it.  

“A lot of times that comes with a big learning curve, because it doesn’t necessarily mean that I’m the one that’s particularly good at it, but if I see the need, I’ve been called to lead and step out,” Kelso said. “Instead of asking others to do it, I’ve been taught to do it myself. Now, because of that and because I know my own limitations, I try to get other people who are pretty talented to help pursue that. So that’s why I’ve done it, as really just to fill the need.”

Kelso said the program will average 20-30 minutes in length and will be well-produced for a professional presentation.  Much of the local content will be based on items seen on DeSoto County News, and along with Kelso and Summers, Bakken will make occasional appearances on the podcast to discuss local stories and other items.  

Special segments are also planned for the program, such as an upcoming segment introducing candidates for the two seats up for election on the DeSoto County School Board in the November general election. 

Some of the attractions of podcasts are flexibility, portability, and diversity of content. They can cover nearly every imaginable subject. Podcasts, such as the DeSoto County Brief are conversational in presentation so listeners gain a bond with the presenters. Podcasts also offer valuable information and insights on a range of topics. 

These factors combine to make podcasts an appealing medium for a wide audience looking for both entertainment and education.

Podcasts have become a new outlet, Kelso said, because people are moving away from print media and more toward other media forms of information, such as the internet and social media.. It’s been a medium he has been following for the past five years.  

“You can’t be reading something but hearing it explained as well from the perspective of a local resident or local residents that are trusted sources,” said Kelso. “That’s what I really want this to become, a trusted source that people can count on.”

Search DeSoto County Brief on Apple podcasts and on Spotify. The program also has a website, with a link to the program and links to subscribe on Apple and Spotify.  Story ideas and other thoughts about the podcast may be sent to Kelso at The show is also found on Facebook.