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McLendon among supporters of Israel Support Act as bill is signed

Photo: Gov. Tate Reeves holds a ceremonial signing of Senate Bill 2226 in Jackson on Monday. Hernando state Sen. Michael McLendon (third from right) is among the bill’s sponsors and attending the bill signing. (Courtesy Sen. Michael McLendon on Facebook)

July 9 – Hernando Republican state Sen. Michael McLendon was among those who witnessed as Gov. Tate Reeves signed the extension of the 2019 Israel Support Act, Senate Bill 2226

McLendon was one of the sponsors of the bill which passed during the 2024 legislative session. Reeves had officially approved the bill back in April but a ceremonial signing was held in Jackson on Monday.

“Proud to stand with Gov. Tate Reeves today as he signed the Israel Support Act,” McLendon wrote on his Facebook page.  “It expands Mississippi’s access to Israel Bonds.”

State Treasurer David McRae has been one of the more vocal supporters of the bill. Which permanently extends Mississippi’s 2017 anti-Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions (BDS) provisions and increases the allowance for Israel Bonds from $20 million to $50 million.

Mississippi has been invested in Israel Bonds for the last four years and has earned over $2.2 million in interest income.