Desoto County News

Hall: A stronger, fairer future for Mississippi: Advocating for bold tax reform

Note: The following opinion-editorial column is written and provided by state Rep. Rodney Hall. Any opinions expressed here are that of the author and not necessarily that of this publication. 

State Rep. Rodney Hall (R-Southaven)

Mississippi stands at a crossroads—a golden opportunity to reshape our tax system in a way that benefits every citizen and ignites long-term economic growth. By lifting the burden of state income tax and reducing the highest-in-the-nation grocery tax, we can empower our hardworking families and transform Mississippi into a beacon of opportunity for businesses and individuals alike.

We’ve already taken significant steps in the right direction. The 2022 Tax Freedom Act set the stage by cutting income taxes, and by 2026, our income tax rate will be a flat 4%. This was a monumental achievement, but it’s not the end of the road—it’s just the beginning. With our state’s finances in a strong position, now is the time to be bold and go further.

Eliminating the income tax would do more than just put more money back in the pockets of Mississippians; it would make our state more competitive, attracting new businesses and higher-paying jobs. It would also signal to the rest of the country that Mississippi is open for business and committed to the prosperity of its people.

State Rep. Rodney Hall (R-Southaven)

Equally important is the need to repeal the 7 percent grocery tax, which places an undue burden on all Mississippians, particularly low-income families struggling with rising living costs. No family should have to choose between putting food on the table and making ends meet. By cutting this regressive tax, we can provide immediate relief to those who need it most, ensuring that no child goes to bed hungry in our great state.

Critics argue that such reforms could strain the budget, but I believe in the resilience and ingenuity of our people. Responsible fiscal management can balance our budget and allow us to invest in the infrastructure and services that will fuel growth and opportunity for generations to come.

This is not just about tax cuts. It’s about laying the foundation for a Mississippi where everyone has the chance to thrive. It’s about ensuring that the next generation inherits a stronger, fairer, and more prosperous state than ever before. We have the momentum; now we need the courage to act.

Mississippi deserves a tax system that works for all its people—a system that rewards hard work, fosters economic growth, and makes our state a place where everyone can succeed. Together, we can build a fairer future for every Mississippian.

Rodney Hall is the State Representative for the 20th District of Mississippi (DeSoto County). A graduate of Marion Military Institute and Ole Miss Law School, he also serves as an Army Infantry officer in the MS Army National Guard. Rep. Hall is currently the Vice-Chairman of the Military Affairs Committee and previously served as the Legislative Director for Mississippi’s 1st Congressional District.