Desoto County News

Gracing the cover

Photo: Amye Kelly (Courtesy photo)

Aug. 5, 2024 – It is quite the accomplishment to make the cover of an annual publication but that’s exactly what DeSoto Civic Garden Club member, Amye Kelly has done. 

Amye Kelly

Vision of Beauty, produced by National Garden Clubs, Inc. is more than an annual calendar for garden club members. It is full of beautiful designs chosen by a selected committee that are meant to inspire. 

Amye’s stunning design was chosen for the cover for 2025. In addition, Amye has four other designs that were chosen as well. The Calendar showcases numerous designs from Traditional and Creative to Botanical Art. All affiliated club members are invited to submit entries.. National Garden Club, Inc. President, Brenda Moore, reminds us “there is still beauty in our world. If ever there was a need to seek beauty in our world, it is now.” 

DeSoto Civic Garden Club congratulates Amye Kelly for this impressive accomplishment!

The DeSoto Civic Garden Club is a member of the National Garden Clubs, Inc.and The Garden Clubs of Mississippi Inc., Hills and Delta District.