Desoto County News

DeSoto Civic Garden Club at national convention

The Garden Clubs of Mississippi, Inc., was well represented at the National Garden Clubs,Inc. Convention which was held in Westminister, Colorado this past June. Those members attending from various clubs throughout the state include: (Left to right) Gay Austin, May Love, Melinda Gillette Causey, Debby Cooper, Amye Kelly, Bonnie Taylor Borne, and Carol Bullard. Amye Kelly who is pictured with the group is also a member of the DeSoto Civic Garden Club.

During the past convention, state and local garden club members were encouraged to support the “Plant America Projects.” Some of those include “Protecting Pollinators” and “Wildlife Gardens.”

The DeSoto Civic Garden Club is a member of the National Garden Clubs, Inc., Deep South Garden Clubs,Inc.  and The Garden Clubs of Mississippi,Inc.